Saturday, October 08, 2005

Alright Already

Damn you TheELeeT! I know I've been neglecting this blog...I've been really busy lately even though it seems like I don't do anything. Work has been stressful, to say the least. Outside of work, I've been trying to do so many different things at once, I just haven't had time to keep the blog up to date. Honestly, I didn't think anybody was reading it anymore...
So, what have I been up to, you ask? (Didn't ask? Too bad!)
I've been working on my SuperMegaPGM for work (a compilation CD with all the tech programs we need to do our job). It's pretty well-developed now, but needs a few bugs worked out.
I have been studying for my Apple certification - I want to take the exams by the end of December. I've also been studying networking, and I want to take the CompTIA Network+ exam, someday. I don't know if that cert will actually do anything for me, but I want to know more about networking... I also want all the vendor certs. I can probably pass those without any studying. Hopefully I can get promoted to Certified Tech early in 2006.
I recently created a CD with every U.S. NES game on it. I'm working on one with all of the U.S. SNES games now. It's almost done...and it's awesome! Over 600 SNES games on 1 CD! I plan on making one for Sega 32x and Atari 2600...
I have, for now, completely abandoned my animated film that I was making, as well as the cell phone game that I was programming. Maybe I'll get back to them someday...
I am once again addicted to anime after 6 years without it. I may get my Internet service suspended, as I know I have downloaded well over 20GBs this month, and it's only the 7th. My favorite show? No question about it - NARUTO!!! Never heard of it? Then you suck. Go here, now. I also like Bleach, Battle Programmer Shirase (a show about a computer nerd, like me!), and Tsubasa Chronicle. I've only seen a couple of episodes of those other shows though, as I spend most of my free time trying to catch up to Space Ghosty on Naruto. He's on Episode 154, I'm on 126. I watch about 10 episodes at a time, and I've only been watching it for 3 weeks! That is a lot of anime...
I have also recently found a new favorite band. (Sidenote: I have also just recently realized that I am a band whore. I find favorite band, become fanatic for a few weeks, and then find a new band. In the past 6 months, my favorite band has changed from The Killers to The White Stripes to My Chemical Romance to The Bravery to The Paper Chase, and now it's...) Mindless Self Indulgence!!!
Finally, I have been working on the backblogs that I keep promising. By the way, I need those pics to post!
On a closing note, the most relevant reason for me not posting to this blog is this:
I have nothing to post! So let's go out, get smashed, and make complete asses of ourselves. Then I'll have something to write about here! Later!

- Black Isn't Dark Enough


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