Friday, September 09, 2005

It's Been A While

I haven't had the time (or energy) to blog anything lately. I added a new feature to this blog - RSS. If you are using Firefox you can subscribe to the feed as a live bookmark. You can also click the "Subscribe" link in the "Links" section for other subscription options. I don't plan on neglecting this blog forever, and I actually have plans for a lot of posts. There are about 4-5 "backblogs" I need to write up, and I also want to work on the overall design. The next few posts should include: "The Grunion Run" (yum), "Jesse's 21st B-Day" (featuring the ass-phone), and "All-Night Party + Morning Meeting" (= Penis on Forehead). I have (or will have) some great pics for each of those posts, including the above "penis on forehead". By the way, please excuse my lame writing - it's 5:00 A.M. and I'm just about to call it a night.

-Black Isn't Dark Enough


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