Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Post-Game Summary

"That Team" was defeated by "Team Ace" 11-8. A close game, but that wasn't much of a consolation as "Team Ace" consisted largely of guys who could have easily replaced Steve Carell in "The 40-Year Old Virgin". Our opponents were f*ing losers...that really burns! We have to win our next game...

It was actually my first game, and I played GK for about half of the first half. I sat out the rest of the game. Next time, I want to get some time on the field. As long as I know which direction the goal is, it won't matter that I can't see anything (I'm blind without my eyeglasses) because I'm not going to pass it anyways!
Alright, this post is pretty lame. Later.

- Black Isn't Dark Enough


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