Sunday, August 07, 2005

Another Night Out

Earlier this week, we had all planned on going out Saturday night to see the movie "Wedding Crashers". The movie is hilarious, and this would be the second time watching it for a few of us. After a lot of planning, everything was set. I ended up having to go in to work to finish up a few things, but that was fine because we were all going to meet at our store after closing anyways. After work, Tommy and Janine(?, I still don't know if that's how to spell it...) showed up. TheELeet and I needed booze, so we all strolled across the street to the liquor store. On the way there, I complained about having to go to a liquor store, as I think they are dirty and I always feel gross after going in to one. There is a 7-Eleven right next to it, so I don't know why we couldn't just go there, but TheELeet insisted that we could only get the rum we wanted from the liquor store. As I suspected, the store was indeed dirty, and strangely hot. It was a cool night, so walking in to the store, I immediately started sweating. I don't know why the son-of-a-bitch owner would keep the store at 90 degrees at 10:00 at night, but whatever. We bought a small bottle of Captain Morgan spiced rum, and then headed over to the 7-Eleven to pick up two pints of our favorite beer, Newcastle. While we were walking around, we called up some more friends and invited them to meet us at the movie. Jesse M. met us at the parking lot of our store, and we all headed over to the theater. By the way, the reason we chose the particular theater we went to, instead of the theater much closer to the store, is that we have free movie tickets for the theater. The only problem with that is that not a single one of us actually brought the tickets. Once we got to the theater, we ran into a small snag. We had to smuggle in two pints of beer, a bottle of rum, and a huge bag of snacks that I had brought from home. After some wardrobe adjustments, we were set. We headed to the theater, but we were still waiting on two of our friends to arrive. We stood around in the lobby for about 15 minutes, at which point the large bottle of beer in my front pocket was beginning to bother me. Jesse and I headed into the theater to save seats for everyone else. After a bit of musical chairs and some cussing, we were set to watch the movie. TheELeet, Jesse, and I began drinking. Just as TheELeet had predicted, the movie was much more enjoyable drunk. It wasn't as funny as the first time, but it was definitely better than watching it a second time sober. We all had a good time watching the movie, and nothing really notable happened. Well, maybe one thing. TheELeet seemed pretty smashed, and he leaned over and said loudly "I'm gonna go piss". I thanked him for the announcement, and he was off. A second later, Jesse leaned over and asked where TheELeet went. When I told him, he said "Oh, me too", and ran off to join him. That's sort of funny, but it gets better. TheELeet and Jesse come back and take their seats. TheELeet leans over and says "Hey, ask Tommy to send up some of those snacks". I had already asked Tommy for some stuff, so I thought it was only fair the TheELeet ask his damn self. He's like "Okay. But just you ask him.", and after a bit of arguing, I ask him why he refuses to do it. He starts laughing, and blurts out "Because I slapped Tommy!". I just looked at him, like "WTF? What the hell would you do that for?" and he's laughing uncontrollably, shrugging his shoulders, and saying "I don't know, I just did it." between giggles. I ended up asking for the snacks. After the movie, TheELeet went and apologized to Tommy, who was wondering what the f--k happened. Inspired by a scene in the movie where Vince Vaughn loads up a plate with delicious looking breakfast foods, we decided to head to Denny's. We all met up outside and headed in. We were seated in the corner, and sat there goofing off, unintentionally annoying our waitress. She said "Excuse me, I will not be ignored!", which at first I took as being rude, but as it was 2:00 in the morning and we were actually ignoring her, I didn't get insulted. Fortunately, she was actually a very sweet lady, and an excellent server. Shortly after arriving, another group of six was seated behind us. The group was from Boomer's, a family fun park. Most of them were wearing their uniforms still. They were pretty rude, and we started getting angry at how they were treating the server, Micki. We thought that she was really nice, and did not deserve their rude attitudes. During the course of the meal, we all talked about various things, but were also listening to what the Boomer's jerks were plotting. They were planning on not tipping! Evil bastards. This really pissed us off. After our meal, we went outside and hung out in front. I don't know if we were planning on saying something or doing something, but we managed to wait long enough for the Boomer's people to come out. They didn't leave immediately after coming out. They just hung around in the parking lot and talked. There was definitely some tension between them and us. After about 20 minutes, they sent their fattest guy in to complain about their food (or service) and get a refund. They all ended up going back in, and when they came out it was obvious they did not get their refund. It was a silent victory for us, as they sucked and didn't deserve a refund. We could then go home happy. We are now planning on going to Boomer's, and acting like total dicks to them. We just have to make sure not to wear our uniforms like they did. If we ever actually go, I will definitely write a post about it, and we'll get some pictures too. Hopefully, it'll be sometime next weekend.
So that's about it. After Denny's we all went home. Overall, it was a great night. Later.


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