Thursday, August 04, 2005

A Long Time Coming

I started this blog about a month and a half ago, and this is it's first post. I originally created this blog to be a regular journal for me and my friends. A lot of funny stuff seems to happen to us on a fairly regular basis, but usually there's at least one of us who misses out on it. So, the story of the hilarious event must be retold to every person that missed it.
The ritual of writing it all down for those who missed out began back in May, immediately following E3 2005. I was unfortunate enough to have passed on going, and Tommy, Jesse (W.), and Jesse (M.) all went. When they came back, I was excited to hear about how the trip went. When I asked Jesse (W.) about it, he said something like "it's a long story, and I don't feel like telling it again. I'm just going to write it all down, and I'll email a copy of it to you and everybody else", minus the dick-ish attitude that somehow manifested itself within the paraphrased sentence. The next day or so, I received the email recounting the events that transpired during their E3 trip. Reading the email, I was impressed by how thorough the retelling of it all was, and that it was almost like I was actually there. Shortly after the E3 trip, we all discovered Jesse and I started blogging, and he has been hooked ever since. As a matter of fact, you can actually read the email that started it all on his blog, AmericanRefills. It's called "Los Angeles Trip", check it out sometime.
In any case, I am going to make sure that I post to this blog regularly, and I am going to revise and transplant posts from the blogs on MySpace.
Sorry for the lame intro...I'll fix this later but I just wanted to have at least one post up. Later.


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